by Samantha Bevington Samantha Cryer by Samantha Bevington Samantha Cryer

What is an APGAR score?

Find out how your baby is assessed by the midwifery team at 1 min post birth and 5 mins post birth. In this short blog, I explore APGAR scores, how they are carried out and what they mean.

What is an APGAR Score?


Once your baby is born, the midwives in charge of your care will assess your baby using a scoring system called APGAR. This routine scoring occurs after 60 seconds and again at 5 minutes post birth.

A baby can score between zero and two for each of five criteria (Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity and Respiration) This is added to give a score out of 10.
A score of seven or above is considered normal, and a score below seven is regarded as low.

From the NHS Maternity Statistics 2018-2019, only 1% of the 485,901 term babies (with an APGAR score recorded) had a score below seven.

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by Samantha Bevington Samantha Cryer by Samantha Bevington Samantha Cryer

Mamas and Papas Manchester Events

Exciting news!

I’ve been asked to guest speak at the Manchester Mamas and Papas store during their January Parent-to-be events! I’ll be giving presentations on hypnobirthing, answering questions on all things antenatal and sharing some inspiring positive birth stories.

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The events are happening on Sunday 20th January and Sunday 27th January between 10.30am and 12.30pm.

If you’re expecting, I’d love to see you there!

The Manchester Mamas and Papas store can be found in the intu Trafford Centre.

Details and tickets for the events can be found here!

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